Regional freight information resources for market opportunities in the Great Lakes maritime transportation system : phase II.
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Regional freight information resources for market opportunities in the Great Lakes maritime transportation system : phase II.

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  • Abstract:
    The Great Lakes Maritime Information Delivery System (GLMIDS) is designed to facilitate the acquisition, storage, management, analysis and exchange of data between analysts and decision-makers within maritime commerce. (See This project is one aspect of a long-term effort to develop and manage a comprehensive data repository and information clearinghouse for maritime stakeholders within the Great Lakes. The intent of this particular project is to expand the information gathering efforts to include Automatic Identification System (AIS) vessel tracking and to incorporate these data into the comprehensive maritime database. The main objective for the system is to promote sustainable maritime transportation in the region by serving as an information resource for public policy decision-making and for drawing the link between maritime freight movements, economic viability, and environmental quality throughout the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway.

    The system is designed to be a diversified web-based information delivery site that houses a detailed data repository consisting of 1) vessel movements and commodity flows, 2) port and dock functions, 3) regional economic activity, and 4) regional population/socioeconomic patterns. One important element of this phase of the project is the development of methods and techniques needed to acquire data through AIS in the Great Lakes. The project team has worked with third party data providers to obtain vessel movements and port calls down to the specific dock location. These data are aggregated into the system's data repository as a means to measure the volume of traffic and cargo flows through the system. In time, the project team can use these data to track trends in ship traffic, identify locations for intermodal connections to landside transportation networks, and to provide an important foundation for developing a Great Lakes Maritime Exchange (GLMX) for the system.

    This project will also enable the expansion of the information delivery system to provide data pertaining to the economic impact of great lakes shipping on the regional economy, linking the Great Lakes Marine Transportation System (GL MTS) to the wider regional intermodal freight system. Users can thus retrieve data concerning such factors as tonnages, value of cargo, scheduled service, ship technologies, dock and port facilities and intermodal connections. The overall work on this project supports the maritime industry by supplying users with access to a multitude of current, accurate data and market accessibility tools that are essential for identifying which market segments can be effectively served by the GL MTS.

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