Styrene-butadiene latex modifiers for bridge deck overlay concrete.
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Edition:Interim report; Oct. 1976-Mar. 1978
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Abstract:Styrene-butadiene (S/B) latex modified concrete overlays are being used to protect
new bridge decks from rapid deicer-borne chloride intrusion and also in bridge
deck rehabilitation efforts. The purposes of this research were to evaluate several
commercially-available S/B latex modifiers for bridge deck overlay concrete; and to
develop chemical specifications for the material, a prequa1ification program to
permit evaluation of other S/B latex modifiers which become available, and a certification
program to insure the user receives a prequalified product.
The chemical and physical properties of the latex emulsions were studied (percent
solids, percent butadiene, particle size, surface tension, viscosity, etc.) and
the material from each manufacturer was fingerprinted using infrared spectroscopy.
The physical properties of concrete made with each material were also determined
(workability, strength-compressive, f1exual and bond, freeze-thaw and scaling resistance,
and chloride permeability).
In general, the studies showed,that the following materials exhibit similar
properties and thus would be expected to perform similarly as bridge deck overlays:
Modifier A - Dow Chemical Company; Deco-Rez 4776 - General Polymers Corporation;
Thermoflex 8002 - Reichhold Chemicals, Inc.; and Arco Dy1ex 1186 - Arco Polymers, Inc.
The prequalification procedures given in the report are suggested for use in
evaluating other S/B latex emulsions offered by industry. The certification procedures
are suggested for use to insure that each production batch of emulsion is
similar to an emulsion which was prequalified.
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