Streamlining and integrating right-of-way and utility processes with planning, environmental, and design processes in Australia and Canada.
Alternative Title:International Technology Scanning Program
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Abstract:Many transportation projects require acquisition of land and accommodation of utility facilities in the
right-of-way. The Federal Highway Administration, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, and National Cooperative Highway Research Program sponsored a scanning
study of Australia and Canada to learn about innovative practices for right-of-way and utility processes.
The study complemented a 2000 study of European countries.
The scan team identified nine priorities for U.S. implementation: promote incentive-based reimbursement
for utility relocations, pursue corridor preservation strategies, use an alliance contract approach to integrate
right-of-way acquisition and utility coordination, enhance cooperative relationships with property owners
to facilitate timely property acquisition, develop GIS-based right-of-way project and asset management
systems, promote visualization techniques to communicate project impacts, promote use of multiple-level
MOU structures, promote use of utility coordination best practices during construction, and develop a
framework to establish proficiency of right-of-way and utility professionals.
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