Micro-Deval testing of aggregates in the southeast
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Abstract:Aggregates to be utilized in hot mix asphalt (HMA) must be both tough and durable. Historically, the toughness of aggregates has been determined using the Los Angeles (L.A.) Abrasion and Impact test (AASHTO T96). Some research has suggested that the L. A. Abrasion and Impact test does not provide a good evaluation of quality for HMA aggregates. The long-term durability characteristics of aggregates are generally determined using a soundness test. Both the Magnesium and Sodium Sulfate Soundness tests are common methods of evaluating the durability of aggregates. During the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 4-19, "Aggregate Tests Related to Asphalt Concrete Performance in Pavements", the L. A. Abrasion and Impact test and the two soundness tests were evaluated. Additionally, other tests, such as the Micro-Deval test, were assessed to evaluate the toughness/durability of aggregates used in HMA pavements. Based upon this large research study, the Micro-Deval test was recommended as an aggregate test related to raveling, pop-outs, and pot-holing. The Micro-Deval test, in conjunction with the Magnesium Sulfate Soundness test, was recommended in lieu of the L. A. Abrasion and Impact test and other soundness tests. References, 12 tables, 20 figures, 35 pages.
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