Collision of Amtrak train 304-26 with a highway vehicle at a highway-rail grade crossing, McLean, Illinois, September 26, 1999
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Abstract:On September 26, 1999, about 5:08 p.m. (central daylight time), northbound National Railroad
Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) train 304-26, which was en route from St. Louis, Missouri, to Chicago,
Illinois, collided with an automobile, which was westbound on U.S. Route 136. The collision occurred
where the Union Pacific Railroad’s St. Louis Division main line and U.S. Route 136 cross near McLean,
Illinois. The automobile driver and passenger were killed as a result of the collision. Amtrak train 304-26
did not derail, and no injuries to the train crewmembers or passengers were reported. Neither the flashing
lights nor the gates for the grade crossing activated to warn the automobile driver of the approaching train.
The safety issues discussed in this report are Union Pacific Railroad's signal maintenance procedures,
Union Pacific Railroad's postaccident site securement procedures for highway-rail grade crossing
accidents, and postaccident toxicological testing.
As a result of its investigation, the Safety Board issued safety recommendations to the Federal Railroad
Administration, the Union Pacific Railroad, and the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen.
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