Obstacles to Enforcement of Youthful (under 21) Impaired Driving
Alternative Title:Obstacles to enforcement of youthful (under twenty-one) impaired driving
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:Young drivers have long been recognized as being overrepresented in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes, and despite reductions experienced in the 1980s, young drivers continue to be overrepresented in these events. Examinations of DWI arrest data have indicated that young people are arrested less frequently than would be expected from their involvement in alcohol-related crashes and there are indications that arrests among youth have been declining. The present study was undertaken to examine the status of DWI enforcement among persons under the age of 21. The objectives were: 1) to examine national, State and selected local arrest rates to determine what, if any, disparities exist between adult and youth rates; 2) if disparities were found, to identify the reasons for low rates and the obstacles to enforcement that may exist; and 3) to identify model programs and strategies that have been adopted to overcome enforcement obstacles. It was found that young drivers are being arrested for DWI at rates which are far below their incidence in alcohol-related driver fatal crashes, roadside survey data and non-fatal alcohol-related crashes. Among the identified obstacles to youth DWI enforcement were: differences between the places where young people tend to drink and drive and where DWI enforcement resources tend to be deployed; the overwhelming effect on enforcement of concentrations of youthful drinking driving in terms of time of occurrence and large numbers at parties and youth oriented events; impaired driving cues exhibited by youth which may differ from those of older drivers; and the problematic nature of the prosecution of low BAC cases. A group of essential characteristics is identified from law enforcement agencies with high youthful DWI arrest rates. Several programs to overcome enforcement obstacles arc also documented. A method for assessing youthful DWI enforcement is described. /Abstract from report summary page/
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