Programmer's guide to the fuzzy logic ramp metering algorithm : software design, integration, testing, and evaluation
By Meldrum, D.
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Edition:Final technical report
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Abstract:A Fuzzy Logic Ramp Metering Algorithm was implemented on 126 ramps in the greater Seattle area. This report documents the implementation of the Fuzzy Logic Ramp Metering Algorithm at the Northwest District of the Washington State Department of Transportation. This programmer's guide contains the software design for the new and modified code, the integration procedure, the results of software regression testing, the test results of new functionality, a discussion of the performance evaluation software used, the algorithm's transferability to other regions, and recommendations for the future. Two other related reports cover the project's research approach, evaluation method, and the results of on-line testing of the Fuzzy Logic Ramp Metering Algorithm as well as the algorithm design and tuning technique.
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