Determination Of Bridge Deck Subsurface Anomalies Using Infrared Thermography And Ground Penetrating Radar
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Abstract:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of infrared (IR) thermography and ground penetrating radar (GPR) to find subsurface anomalies, delaminations and de-bonding, on asphalt concrete overlaid concrete bridge decks. The traditional "chaining" method is a less effective option for finding subsurface defects after an overlay is in place. An IR thermographic and GPR (IR/GPR) evaluation was conducted on the I-70 Polk-Quincy viaduct in 1993. The results were compared to other studies conducted to check for subsurface anomalies. These included a 1989 Geology bridge deck evaluation, completed before the membrane and overlay were in place, a 1992 membrane-pavement system electrical resistivity study, and a 1996 Research evaluation to check for de-bonding. The last two studies were completed after the asphalt concrete overlay was in place. There were differences between the results of the IR/GPR study and those conducted using the more traditional methods. The IR/GPR survey did not find many of the de-bonded and delaminated areas found using the conventional methods. This is not to say that IR thermography and GPR are of little value and inaccurate. The fact that the Polk-Quincy viaduct has been overlaid with both concrete and asphalt, and it is in a general state of deterioration may have made it difficult to obtain good results. Another IR/GPR study will be conducted in 1998 and results will be compared to the 1993 study.
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