Bridge Deck Asphalt Concrete Pavement Armoring
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Deterioration of the concrete bridge deck is one of the most significant problems affecting the service life of bridges in the United States. Moisture penetration into the asphalt overlay and standing water on the concrete bridge deck result in expansion and contraction at the interface on the bridge deck during freeze-thaw cycles. This causes debonding at the interface and results in an increased rate of deterioration for the asphalt concrete overlay. Additionally, the deicing salts permeate into the deck and cause corrosion of the steel reinforcement, weakening the structural integrity of the bridge. Waterproofing membranes with an asphalt overlay were developed as a strategy to protect concrete bridge decks. The main goals of this study were to provide the industry and Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) with better insight on the failure mechanisms of asphalt overlays on concrete bridge decks and establish field and laboratory experiments to evaluate the performance of these overlays. The most effective deck waterproofing systems and overlay strategies (in terms of both cost and performance) were determined for concrete bridge decks in Oregon. By determining the most effective waterproofing methods and strategies, this research will serve to decrease repair and replacement costs, and increase the service life of asphalt overlays on concrete bridge decks in Oregon.
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