Coordination of Local Road Classification with the State Highway System Classification: Impact and Clarification of Related Language in the LVR Manual
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Abstract:This study reviewed the low volume road (LVR) classifications in Kansas in conjunction with the State A, B, C, D, E road classification system and addressed alignment of these differences. As an extension to the State system, an F, G, H classification system for local roads with subclassification relating to access and surface types was recommended. The study also identified various state statutes that relate to local road classification, design and maintenance criteria, project development, right-of-way acquisition, utilities, etc. and recommended revisions to clarify terminology relating to existing road classification and/or determine a need for new or revised road and street categories. Appropriate guidelines consistent with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), state statutes and the Kansas LVR Handbook were recommended including lower roadway design standards for rural, low volume road classifications. The study stressed the need for alternative solutions such as minimum maintenance or closure for many of the low volume roads in the Midwest. Concurrent with the LVR classification study, the language of the LVR handbook and the implications of its A, B, C classification in relationship to signing were examined to determine if they created problems, particularly in regard to tort liability cases. 62p.
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