Transportation forecasting : analysis and quantitative methods
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Abstract:This Record contains the following papers: Development of Survey Instruments Suitable for Determining Non-Home Activity Patterns; Sequential, History-Dependent Approach to Trip-Chaining Behavior; Identifying Time and History Dependencies of Activity Choice; Equilibrium Traffic Assignment on an Aggregated Highway Network For Sketch Plannng; Network Design Application of an Extraction Algorithm for Network Aggregation; Quick-Response Procedures to Forecast Rural Traffic; Respondent Trip Frequency Bias in On-Board Surveys; Bus, Taxi, and Walk Frequency Models that Account For Sample Selectivity and Simultaneous Equation Bias; Effect of Sample Size on Disaggregate Choice Model Estimation and Prediction; Mobility Enterprise: One Year Later; Person-Category Trip-Generation Model; Trip Generation by Cross-Classification: An Alternative Methodology; Some Contrary Indications for the Use of Household Structure in Trip-Generation Analysis; Maximum-Likelihood and Bayesian Methods for the Estimation of Origin-Destination Flows; Trip Table Synthesis for CBD Networks: Evaluation of the Linkod Model; Estimating Trip Tables from Traffic Counts: Comparative Evaluation of Available Techniques; Trip Distribution Using Composite Impedance; Development of a Travel-Demand Model Set For the New Orleans Region; Estimation and Use of Dynamic Transaction Models of Automobile Ownership; Experiments with Optimal Sampling for Multinomial Logit Models; and Procedure for Predicting Queues and Delays on Expressways in Urban Core Areas.
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