AST commercial human space flight biomedical data collection
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Edition:Contractor final report; Feb 2006- Sep 2006
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Abstract:Recommendations are made for specific biomedical data, equipment, and a database that will increase the knowledge and understanding of how short duration, suborbital space flight missions with brief exposure to microgravity affects the human body. The focus of these recommendations is commercial space flight participants engaged in suborbital flight. These recommendations do not address commercial or government professional
astronauts, nor do they address orbital space flight missions. The intended purpose of these recommendations is to provide FAA/AST, through the Volpe Center, guidance as to how the emerging commercial human space flight industry may define risks required for disclosure to suborbital space flight participants and proactively develop corrective actions to reduce such risks. Recommendations are made for the monitoring of vehicle and
biomedical data before, during, and after flight, and within the context of preflight centrifugation. The primary biomedical systems of concern include cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, neurovestibular, and psychological. Gastrointestinal issues also need to be addressed. Recommendations for the type of biomedical equipment required to acquire the in-flight data are discussed, although specific recommendations are
complicated by the absence of specific data describing the flight vehicle and passenger configurations likely to be encountered. Finally, several biomedical databases from NASA are briefly summarized. The recommendations and requirements for the design of a suitable database to accommodate the acquired commercial space flight data are based on two NASA databases, the Longitudinal Study of Astronaut Health database, and the Private Medical Conference database.
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