Problem definition for pre-crash sensing advanced restraints.
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Edition:Final report; Jan 2007-May 2008
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Abstract:This report presents the results of crash analyses that defined and prioritized target crashes for advanced restraint systems based on pre-crash sensors. These analyses targeted the driver and front-seat passenger 13 or older, traveling in light vehicles of model year 1998 or newer that sustained frontal damage. The focus was on occupants who suffered an injury level 3 or higher on the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale. Crash analyses included data queries of national crash databases from the 1997-2006 Crashworthiness Data System (CDS), 2006 General Estimates System, and 2002-2006 Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Data queries were part of the top-down analysis that identified key crash scenarios and concomitant injuries. Crash scenarios incorporated pre-crash scenarios, impact modes, and occupant restraint use. Severity of priority crash scenarios was quantified in terms of the number of fatalities and functional years lost. Moreover, injured body regions and related injury levels were expressed for each crash scenario. Based on results of top-down analysis, cases were selected from the CDS for further examination to identify the injury sources and their link to crash scenarios and severities. Only belted occupants were considered. The steering wheel had the highest contribution rate to injury in chest, head, and upper extremity body regions. Injury to the abdomen was caused predominantly by the seat belt. The instrument panel caused the highest rate of injury to the lower extremity.
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