FHWA Traffic Noise Model Look-Up Tables
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Abstract:In March 1998, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released the FHWA Traffic Noise Model [FHWA TNM (registered trademark)], Version 1.0, a state-of-the-art computer program for highway traffic noise prediction and analysis. Comparisons have shown TNM to agree extremely well with field measured data. To provide analysts with a quick screening tool for evaluating simple highway geometries, the U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Special Programs Administration, John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Acoustics Facility, in support of the FHWA, Office of Environment and Planning, has developed a set of look-up tables for TNM. The TNM Look-Up Tables are accompanied by a complementary DOS program entitled, TNMLOOK. This document contains the Look-Up Tables in their entirety, as well as instructions on how to use TNMLOOK. Three companion reports, a User's Guide, a Technical Manual and a data report, respectively, describe the use of TNM, its internal acoustics, and the vehicle noise-emissions data base within TNM.
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