Highway Construction Noise– Environmental Assessment and Abatement: Volume IV, User’s Manual for the FHWA Highway Construction Noise Computer Program, HICNOM
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This series of reports represents a comprehensive treatment of highway construction noise characterization, measurement, prediction, and abatement, based on a literature review and original research. The major result of the study is a prediction model for highway construction noise with charts, calculator and computer program methods for its use. An extensive series of site and equipment noise measurements provided a data base for model development and validation. Volume 4 is the user's manual and programmer's manual for the interactive Fortran program for the prediction model. Program features and data input and output are explained in detail, and five example problems are presented. The program models sources as points, lines or areas and includes noise barrier attenuation routines and data base for over fifty equipment models. The program structure is documented in the Appendices. This volume is the fourth in a series. The others in the series are: Vol. No. 1 FHWA No. Short Title Executive Summary and Simplified Predication Methods NTIS(PB) No. Vol. No. 2 FHWA No. Short Title Understanding Highway Construction Process NTIS(PB) No. Vol. No. 3 FHWA No. Short Title Analysis and Abatement of Construction Noise NTIS(PB) No. Vol. No. 5 FHWA No. Short Title Measurement and Analysis Data NTIS(PB) No.
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