Alcohol, Drugs, and Driving
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Alcohol, Drugs, and Driving

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  • Alternative Title:
    Vermont Symposium on Alcohol, Drugs, and Driving
  • Creators:
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  • Publication/ Report Number:
  • DOI:
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  • Edition:
    Final report
  • Corporate Publisher:
  • Abstract:
    An invitational symposium was held October 13-15, 1972, at a remote Vermont inn and was attended by 35 research and/or administrative specialists in alcohol, drugs and/or highway safety. The basic purpose was publication of the proceedings to incorporate these specific aims: evaluative reviews of the literature; edited transcriptions of the discussion periods; and ratings of 176 keyword topics on 3 dimensions of alcohol, drug, and driving problems, i.e., extent of present knowledge and relative priorities for both basic and applied research. The 8 reviews consist of combinations of the following topics: alcohol and/or drug influences upon driving-related behavior as studied in laboratory, simulator, and closed-course driving experiments; epidemiologic studies and countermeasure research on alcohol and/or drugs in highway crashes. A comprehensive overview of all keyword ratings was constructed to integrate research; priority ratings across the 8 topical sessions. Keywords having highest priorities for both basic and applied research in both alcohol and drugs were essentially the same and were organized into 3 general categories: influences upon neurophysiological activities (central and autonomic nervous systems) and upon the psychological processe of perception (dynamic visual acuity; visual search), attention, and cognition (risk taking; decision making), and in combination with other conditions of the driver (emotion; stressors, e.g., fatigue, noise). Highest priorities for epidemioloqic studies were given to the interaction between alcohol and drugs, to individual differences

    in alcohol consumption patterns and driving history, and to incidence and prevalence studies of drug involvement. Drug countermeasure research did not receive high priority ratings. For alcohol countermeasures, highest priority topics were research on enforcement by police surveillance and on rehabilitation by behavior modification. /Abstract from report summary page/

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