Transit Car Performance Comparison, State-of-the-Art Car vs. PATCO Transit Car, NYCTA R-46, MBTA Silverbirds
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Edition:Final report; Apr.1976-Nov.1976
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Abstract:The first phase of this contract authorized the design, development, and demonstration of two State-Of-The-Art Cars (SOAC). This document reports on the gathering of comparative test data on existing in-service transit cars. The three transit cars selected for testing were the PATCO transit car, the NYCTA R-46 transit car, and the MBTA Silverbird transit car. These cars were instrumented and then run in simulated revenue service while data was gathered. The results of these tests are reported in this document in a comparative format with the SOAC data recorded at each of the properties. The SOAC was found to be superior to all three of these existing transit cars in the area of noise reduction. The SOAC ride quality is better than the R-46 and the Silverbird, but not as good as the PATCO transit car. The SOAC propulsion system was inefficient while operating on the New York and Boston route structures, and only marginally better than the PATCO transit car in Philadelphia.
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