Transportation Brokerage Demonstration - Bridgeport, Connecticut
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Abstract:Since August 1978, the Greater Bridgeport Transit District (GBTD) has been engaged in a test of multimodal transportation brokerage. It is an ambitious effort aimed at revolutionizing the role of a public transit operator in planning and operating a regional transportation systems. GBTD's mission is to implement a diversified transportation network using a Transportation System Management (TSM) process, with services designed to meet the needs of specific markets. The components of this plan range from conventional fixed-route bus to both public and privately operated paratransit, including shared-ride taxi and employment-centered/subscription bus. Other major components include: strategic pricing and fare integration methods; development and application of advanced management and planning tools, linked to development of a large-scale management information system (MIS) capability; and a community and economic development role assumed by the Transit District. Accomplishments of the brokerage through the period of this interim report include: development of a core fixed-route bus system and a performance monitoring system to control its operation; a community-based minibus system, with alternating peak feeder and off-peak circulation service schedules, a consolidated social service agency transportation network; a market-based fare prepayment program; and a program for eliciting funding support form the private sector. Planning for shared-ride taxi, user-side subsidies, employment-centered bus, and the broad-based management information system were still in progress at the time of this report.
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