Polyfit program users' guide : a statistical polynomial curvefitting program - version 2.0 professional Fortran 77
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Abstract:POLYFIT is a user friendly program written in Microsoft Fortran for the IBM PC/AT and compatibles to perform polynomial regression analysis. This program allows the user to create and modify XY files (i.e. sample data containing from 5 to 50 XY pairs, X is the independent variable, Y is the dependent variable), or use an existing XY file as data input to the program. Menus are displayed to simplify program use. The program was designed to do polynomial curve fits for the give data set orders 1, 2, and 3. A summary and plot of the fit for a selected order (1, 2, or 3) is provided, as well as the option of hardcopy (i.e. printer output) if desired.
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