Predicting air quality near roadways through the application of a Gaussian Puff Model to moving sources
Alternative Title:93rd Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Air & Waste Management Association
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Abstract:The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently recommends the use of CALINE3 or CAL3QHC for modeling the dispersion of carbon monoxide (CO) near roadways. These models treat vehicles as part of a line source such that the emissions are homogeneously spread out over the entire line. And since the models use Gaussian plume equations, the results are inherently steady-state values.
This paper describes a new simulation model entitled, TRaffic Air Quality SImulation Model (TRAQSIM), developed at the University of Central Florida. The basic concept in the model is that each vehicle is considered a discrete moving point source rather than as part of an overall line or area source. The model simulates traffic movement and keeps track of the properties of each vehicle as it moves through a traffic scenario. During each time-step, vehicles are moved and assigned mode-varying emission factors. The dispersion in the atmosphere is accomplished through the use of a Gaussian puff algorithm. Dispersion parameters (??s) are determined from Pasquill stability classes and combined with dispersion parameters corresponding to thermal buoyancy and vehicle wake effects. Puff merging has also been implemented to reduce computer processing time.
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