Fire Island National Seashore survey of walk-in visitors
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Abstract:The FINS Survey of Walk-in Visitors was conducted with the aim of determining how public access to the island can be improved. This survey obtained input from visitors who access the National Seashore on foot from nearby Robert Moses State Park on the East End of FINS and Smith Point County Park on the West End. The information will aid FINS in further developing its waterborne transportation plan for the improvement of public access to, and use and enjoyment of, FINS resources.
This effort continues work initiated and documented in the February 2001 Phase I report, Fire Island National Seashore Waterborne Transportation System Plan, in which the Volpe Center identified ferry and water taxi service and terminal improvements to be phased in from 2001-2010. The project statement of work was conducted in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) under Volpe Center/FHWA Project Plan Agreement HW1M as a supplement to PMIS 63642.
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