The report details technical development efforts to implement an analog ranging modem using recently developed linear integrated circuits where possible. The breadboard hardware is capable of acquiring frequency and phase of a weak signal in a high noise environment, i.e., a C/No ratio of 37 dB-Hz, as verified in laboratory noise tests. The report includes a description of the system and of the hardware implementation. The ranging technique implemented and tested has direct application to the AEROSAT system. It represents one possible approach to sidetone ranging. The test setup and test results are given along with a summary, recommendations and conclusions. Schematics of the circuitry, test data and analyses are included.
Content Notes:
Analog ranging modem principles, Breadboard description, Test description and results, Summary and conclusions, Ranging code generator, Appendix A - Phase lock loop (PLL) analysis, Appendix B - Code correlator, References
The report addresses signal design for the AEROSAT system. Candidate data and surveillance modems are analyzed for L-Band avionics. Detailed theoretic...
Several modems and satellite subsystems were tested with the aid of an aeronautical channel simulation facility. The modems tested included a high per...
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