Proceedings of the workshop on human response to aviation noise in protected natural areas, October 28-29, 2008
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Abstract:According to Section 808 of the National Parks Air Tour Management Act of 2000, any methodology
adopted by a Federal agency to assess air tour noise in any unit of the national park system shall be
based on reasonable scientific methods. Therefore, the FAA and NPS share a mutual interest to develop
scientifically defensible methodology to quantitatively assess noise impacts from aviation in National
Parks. Although the agencies could pursue wholly independent research programs, public investment in
research will realize the highest return if the FAA and NPS mutually develop a prioritized list of research
topics and a coordinated strategy for stimulating this research.
To date, several studies have been funded by these agencies which strive to define the relationship
between aircraft noise “dose” and an associated human response (dose-response) gathered from park
visitor surveys.1, 2, 3, 4 Following the example of residential dose-response relationships, the analyses of
the data from the park visitor studies focused on evaluating relatively simple functional forms of noise
doses and mediating variables as predictors of visitor responses in surveys. However, research results
suggest that a simple model does not adequately characterize human responses to noise in protected
natural and cultural areas, such as National Parks. In addition to visitor responses to noise as measured
by annoyance or acceptability, research is needed to investigate physiological responses to noise events
and the degree to which noise degrades opportunities to perceive the sounds of the park.
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