A review of literature on particulate matter emissions from aircraft
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Edition:Draft letter report
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Abstract:The Air Quality Facility of the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center is
providing support to the Emissions Division of the Federal Aviation Administration’s
Office of Environment and Energy (AEE-300). As part of this support, the Air Quality
Facility is conducting a comprehensive review of past research in the area of aviationrelated
particulate matter. The purpose of this literature review is to allow an informed
decision to be made on a possible first-order approximation to predict the mass of
particulate emissions from aircraft until such time that measured data are available for
most aircraft. Available references included in this report were collected from public and
private libraries, technical journals, project reports, electronic literature searches,
interviews, and other key sources. It should be noted that the literature review is not allinclusive and that emphasis was placed on information concerning measured mass data
from aircraft. Following the literature findings, a first order approximation methodology
is suggested to estimate the mass of particulate matter (PM) emitted from aircraft based
on available data.
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