NTL-AVIATION-Air Traffic Control;NTL-AVIATION-AVIATION;NTL-AVIATION-Aviation Planning and Policy;NTL-AVIATION-Aviation Safety/Airworthiness;
The Traffic Flow Management System (TFMS) currently declares an alert for any 15-minute interval in which the predicted demand exceeds the Monitor/Alert Parameter (MAP) for any airport, sector, or fix. For a sector, TFMS predicts the demand for each minute, and TFMS uses the demand of the peak minute in a 15-minute interval to decide whether to declare an alert for the entire 15-minute interval. Using the peak demand from a single minute to declare alerts has been criticized for three reasons. First, the demand from a single minute is a flawed measure of workload for the entire 15-minute interval. Second, using demand for a single minute leads to instability; that is, slight fluctuations in demand from minute to minute can lead to alerts flickering on and off. Third, the interval that is alerted depends on the arbitrary, 15-minute boundaries.
The handbook is a user's guide for a prototype air traffic flow control automation system developed for the FAA's System Command Center. The system is...
The report covers the conception, design, development, and initial implementation of an advanced simulation technique applied to a study of national a...
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