Accessibility for elderly and handicapped pedestrians : a manual for cities
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Edition:Final report
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Abstract:Since publication in 1980 of FHWA's manual entitled, Development of Priority Accesible Networks: an Implementation Manual - Provisions for the Elderly Handicapped Pedestrians, Federal rules and standards have been updated and revised. Cities across the country have also been building up their own body of knowledge by testing and evaluating accessibility techniques. This manual includes two sections. Part I: Planning and programming describes the four planning stages and provides guidance for planners and other officials to follow in developing an accessibility program. Some examples from successful city programs are included. Part II: Design provides explanations of the details needed in executing the accessibility plans in Part I. Each design chapter provides definitions, Federal and other standards if they exist, illustrations, and an extensive part on Problems and Recommended Solutions. In this part., a checklist of commonly encountered general and specific design problems is provided, and then recommended solutions are listed by each problem.
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