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Abstract:This report identifies the current and forecasted 20-year funding needs necessary to maintain the State of South Dakota's existing Federal-aid non-state city streets. This study was sponsored by the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) as a result of the requirements of the intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (]STEA) passed by the United States Congress in 1991. Included in this study were interviews with representatives from several South Dakota cities, the SDDOT, and the Federal Highway Administration. The development of a series of guidelines was also performed as part of this study. The guidelines consist of a Pavement Condition Survey Guide, a Pavement Design, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation Guide, and a Pavement Management Guide. These guides are included in separate documents. The Pavement Condition Survey Guide was also utilized to survey a representative sample of South Dakota's city streets and obtain an indication of their current condition. The funding needs for South Dakota's city streets were determined using the results of the pavement condition surveys, the Pavement Design, Maintenance, and Rehabilitation Guide, and the Pavement Maintenance Guide. The results of this study indicate that the State of South Dakota needs approximately $113,000,000 over the next 20 years to maintain its existing 414.6 miles of Federal-aid non-state city streets.
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