Organizational and expertise directory : summer 2007
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Abstract:The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Research, Development, and Technology (RD&T)
is organized into 8 offices with 15 teams of experts in more than 30 transportation-related disciplines.
Three research and development (R&D) offices—Operations, Safety, and Infrastructure—conduct R&D to
continually improve highway operations and intelligent transportation systems (ITS), safety, and
infrastructure, respectively. The Office of Program Development and Evaluation develops and executes
policy, budget, program management, and administrative mechanisms to help FHWA carry out a
nationwide research and technology (R&T) program. The Office of Research and Technology Services
develops and executes a comprehensive RD&T communications strategy and marketing plan that
supports FHWA R&T programs and technology transfer and delivery. The Office of Resource
Management provides administrative services for RD&T.
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