Mitigating Extreme Heat Exposure Using Advanced and Novel Materials and Improved Pedestrian Infrastructure Design: A Systematic Literature Review and Survey of Agencies
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Edition:Final Research Report (September 2022 – August 2023)
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Abstract:Extreme heat is the leading cause of weather-related mortality in the United States, and extreme heat events are projected to continue to increase in geographic extent, frequency, and severity in the United States as climate change progresses. Transportation infrastructure is a significant driver of the urban heat island (UHI) effect and exacerbating extreme heat events. Efforts to mitigate UHI impacts often focus on reflecting incoming solar radiation (i.e., increasing surface albedo) and providing shade (e.g., planting street trees). However, advanced and novel materials (ANM) for pavements that reduce heat storage, and green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) that promotes evaporative cooling, can provide additional heat mitigation pathways. Sidewalks facilitate non-motorized transportation, and are relatively low-risk, low-cost, and have simple structural requirements compared to other transportation infrastructure. Hence, sidewalks and adjacent planting strips can offer a logical test bed for new materials and designs. With the thermal comfort, safety, and efficiency of users in mind, environmentally responsible designs can also minimize energy embedded in construction materials and help maintain natural ecosystem processes. Although ANMs hold significant promise for heat mitigation, they have not yet achieved widespread implementation. This project systematically reviewed the growing literature related to the application of ANMs and GSI to reduce UHI effects and implemented a survey of urban planners and public works engineers to assess the current and planned use of these strategies and identify barriers to implementation. This report summarizes the emergent themes from the systematic literature review, survey results and policy recommendations for an anticipated reading audience of urban policy makers, planners, and practitioners.
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