Trip Generation Study Fast-Food with Drive-Through & Coffee Shops with Drive-Through
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Trip Generation Study Fast-Food with Drive-Through & Coffee Shops with Drive-Through

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    Final Report, 2/10/2024-6/28/2024
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  • Abstract:
    A traffic impact study may be required for proposed development projects that generate significant vehicular traffic as a result of the development. The purpose of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) is to identify the adequacy of the existing transportation infrastructure to accommodate any changes in trips generated by a proposed development/redevelopment and the associated increase in traffic volumes on the surrounding roadway network. If impacts are identified, potential mitigation measures (on-site or off-site) can be proposed and evaluated. When adverse transportation impacts are expected on Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) facilities, FDOT must work with local governments and other transportation agencies to identify and agree upon mitigation measures. The TIA is used to decide whether the location and design of driveway(s) being considered are necessary to provide reasonable access to private property consistent with the safety and convenience of the public. Trip generation is the first step in a Traffic Impact Analysis and is the number of trips originating in or destined for a particular development or traffic analysis zone. Routinely, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual is utilized to predict the number of trips generated by a development, but sometimes there is not enough data to discern the actual differences in trip generation from one similar site to another. Additionally, the impact of these fast-food restaurants and coffee shops associated with differing operations from site to site and the impact on the state facilities can be missed. Our objective was to accurately assess impacts to the state roadway system due to excessive driveway queuing from internal drive-through lanes because of high volume/high generator land uses when located adjacent to state roadway facilities. Site trips and queueing information will be collected for these two land uses at multiple sites throughout the State of Florida. The development of specific traffic impacts for these specific generators will promote the design of safer access connections and promote all necessary improvements to the state roadway are determined in the preliminary phase of review. We hypothesize that within the same land use, there are significant differences in trip generation and operations from site to site and development to development, which may explain why some site’s queues spillover onto the state highway system and others do not. Developing accurate trip generation data and estimating queues will assist the decision-making process and ultimately benefit the safety and operation of the state roadway systems.
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