Informed Safety, Mobility, and Driver Comfort Enhancement Practices for Work Zones: Learnings from High-Fidelity Data
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Abstract:This study leverages high-fidelity observational data to analyze driver behavior and vehicle dynamics within work zones (WZs) on Tennessee’s interstate highways, aiming to evaluate critical aspects of safety, mobility, and driver comfort. Data were collected over several months from GPS, IMU sensors, and video recordings on commercial vehicles traveling through two active WZs on I-40 near Jackson, Tennessee. By using precise, sensor-based measurements of speed, acceleration, heading, and lane position, this research offers a detailed, real-time perspective on how WZ conditions influence driver behavior. The observational data reveal distinct patterns, such as increased speed variability and frequency of lane changes within WZs, which are indicative of driver discomfort and potential evasive actions. The analysis also shows that specific WZ configurations, including barrier placement and lane narrowing, impact driver response differently across locations, underscoring the importance of tailored Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) strategies. This study suggests that by leveraging high-fidelity data, traffic management can adopt more adaptive measures—such as dynamic speed feedback and improved visual guidance—to enhance safety and driving experience in WZs. The findings contribute to a deeper understanding of driver-vehicle interaction under varying WZ conditions, offering valuable insights for future WZ design and management.
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