Evaluation of Rural Travel Constraints and Travel Burdens in the U.S. and in Rural Zero-Car Households
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Edition:Final Research Report (October 2020 – June 2023)
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Abstract:The challenge of meeting transportation needs is heightened in rural contexts, where destinations are more dispersed and there are fewer transportation options. A growing body of literature has established that accessibility, or the ability to reach valued destinations, is critical to satisfying a person’s fundamental needs. Conversely, difficulty accessing destinations can result in travel burdens such as high transportation costs or unmet needs, adversely affecting well-being. This study evaluates differences in travel burdens and the factors that drive them in rural and urban contexts in the United States. Using the 2017 National Household Transportation Survey, the authors first evaluate differences in travel burdens across rural versus urban communities, including i) the magnitude of travel burdens, ii) who experiences travel burdens, and iii) the individual and environmental factors that are associated with travel burdens. This study finds that people living in rural areas are more likely to report burdensome travel costs and unmet travel needs compared to people living in nonrural areas, and these differences are exacerbated for people earning a low income and those without vehicle access.
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