Assessing the Flood Reduction Benefits of On-Road Structures [Tech Transfer Summary]
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Abstract:Iowa lacks a detailed statewide geospatial database identifying which existing culverts are suitable candidates for conversion to ORS. Additionally, a HUC12-scale assessment of the potential for peak flow reductions offered by a system of ORS has not yet been conducted. To address these gaps, this project integrated geographic information system (GIS) and hydrologic analysis, rainfall runoff modeling, and hydroinformatics to develop tools to guide, facilitate, and enhance the adoption of ORS in Iowa. Specific objectives were as follows: 1. Construct a statewide geospatial database identifying suitable locations for the construction of ORS. 2. Develop a methodology to programmatically complete planning designs for the individual ORS locations identified in Objective 1. 3. Assess the HUC12-scale flood reduction benefits of a system of ORS. 4. Develop a web platform to communicate the results of Objectives 1 through 3.
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