Incorporating Nondestructive Evaluation Methods Into Bridge Deck Preservation Strategies
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Abstract:The use of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) for the condition assessment of bridge decks is growing and has the potential to reduce operating costs and extend lifecycles by fostering cost-effective and timely interventions. Highway agencies recognize that preservation treatments can impact the lifecycle costs of bridges. Several NDE technologies identify and characterize deck configurations and deterioration caused by corrosion, cracking, delamination, and other forms of degradation. This study reviewed the current state of practice and provided a framework and recommendations for applying NDE to inform decisionmaking. Typical bridge preservation actions are synthesized for common highway bridge deck and wearing surface types, and applicability of various NDE technologies is summarized. The framework is introduced with real-life and hypothetical case studies, to demonstrate the viability of NDE to inform preservation treatment selection and prioritization. The framework covers three stages in the lifecycle of a typical bridge deck: new construction; early- to middle-aged structures in service; and planning for repair, rehabilitation, or replacement of the deck. Several NDE methods provide benefit based on the maturity of methods, level of acceptance, and relevance of data to assessing and predicting deck conditions. Lifecycle cost analysis explores savings in case studies by comparing the combined cost of NDE and intervention costs to the cost of not implementing NDE-informed actions. Generally, the cost of NDE was negligible versus benefits over the lifecycle of a bridge deck.
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