Main Avenue Bridge Closure Traffic Impact Analysis
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Abstract:The purpose of this report is to discuss the impacts of various alternatives related to the upcoming Main Avenue bridge closure. The Advanced Traffic Analysis Center (ATAC) of North Dakota State University assisted the Fargo-Moorhead Council of Governments (FM Metro COG) in conducting the analysis using several scenarios. ATAC used the calibrated travel demand model recently completed for the FM Metro COG as well as available traffic data. A draft report was submitted to FM Metro COG for review in the end of April 2003. Comments from local transportation officials were mainly related to the use of v/c ratios based on ADT to measure the impacts of the Main Avenue bridge closure. As a result, this updated report incorporates new analysis using peak hour traffic volumes as well as intersection level-of-service (LOS) for critical intersections heavily impacted by diverted traffic in the downtown area.
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