Optimal and Robust Control of Vehicle Platooning on Signalized Arterial with Significant Freight Traffic
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:On an arterial with significant freight traffic, traffic stability is an issue that can influence mobility. The stability functions of car-following models in mixed traffic have been extensively studied, but most of them focus on the feasible region of the parameters. Few studies use theory to control AV to improve traffic stability concerning the requirement of throughput at the same. With the development of connected and automated car (CAV) technology, vehicles can communicate information in real-time between the vehicle and the infrastructure to make decisions with less reaction time. Applying CAV technology, this project develops an adaptive headway method to ensure traffic stability and throughput in a mixed traffic environment of passenger cars and trucks. The relation between AV driving headway and stability is investigated under different AV market penetration rates and different truck percentages. According to the analysis, traffic can only be stable if the truck ratio is less than 80%. The proposed method is validated with a VISSIM simulation. The proposed method can reduce oscillations, reduce the delay by 23.19%, and increase average speed by 9.09% compared to the case of baseline where the desired head of AV is fixed. The results of the project will extend to the situation when the signal exists in the urban road in future work.
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