A Practitioner's Guide to FHWA Programmatic Agreements for Categorical Exclusion
Series: Memoranda & Guidance: Guidance
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Abstract:Programmatic Agreements between FHWA and State Departments of Transportation (SDOTs) that allow SDOTs to process categorical exclusions (CEs) have been effective in producing time savings in the project delivery process. These agreements provide benefits such as: (1) specifying roles and responsibilities of those involved; (2) standardizing coordination and compliance procedures; (3) facilitating the development of greater trust relationships; and (4) allowing staff and resources to be focused and effective. The CE decision is a determination whether or not a proposed project fits in the category of actions not requiring the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or an Environmental Assessment (EA) based on a designation of the CE in regulation or based on FHWA from experience combined with a finding that no unusual circumstances exist that would require the preparation of an EA or EIS. This NEPA determination is also the basis for an approval for the project to proceed to the next step in the project development process.
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