Development of Emissions Estimation and Dispersion Modeling Framework to Assess the Health Impact Assessment
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Edition:Final Report November 2022 to June 2023
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Abstract:A health impact assessment (HIA) is an essential tool for evaluating the potential health effects of environmental changes on populations. Recognizing the significance of an HIA in the context of air pollution, this project introduced a comprehensive framework for assessing the health impacts of air quality variations. Implemented as an R Shiny application, this framework streamlines the HIA process, making it user-friendly and adaptable to diverse data sources. The application encompasses the entire HIA process, from data preprocessing to results visualization. A case study using the North Central Texas Council of Governments travel demand model network demonstrated the framework's efficacy, revealing a notable reduction in the concentrations of particulate matter that is 2.5 micrometers or smaller and associated health risks in 2026 compared to 2019. This innovative tool offers a transparent and accessible approach for researchers, policymakers, and the public to assess and address air pollution-related health impacts.
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