A Study of Benefits, Accomplishments, and Resource Needs of the Local Technical Assistance Program
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This study was undertaken to document accomplishments of the Technology Transfer (T2) Centers, funded through the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) of the Federal Highway Administration in partnership with State highway agencies, universities, and local governments. The study further documents the benefits that local governments have derived from the Centers. The users of T2 Center services are the nearly 36,000 local government agencies with responsibilities for maintaining streets and roads. With budgets totalling $30 billion in 1991, these agencies maintain 2.9 million miles of roadways and more than 290,000 bridges. Prior to the establishment of LTAP, local agencies had little opportunity for training or assistance specifically designed to meet their needs. T2 Centers in the 50 States and Puerto Rico typically operate with average annual budgets of $300,000 and five part-time employees. Centers offer technical assistance, primarily in the form of training. Collectively, during the past 5 years, the Centers offered 20,187 days of training that were attended by 263,061 individuals. Highway safety, pavements, and management were the major training topics. The benefits stated in this report were identified by the local government agencies through a random survey distributed in 39 States and through personal interviews conducted with local agency personnel in 15 States. The study profiles the transportation responsibilities of local governments, provides a functional and resource overview of T2 Centers, describes benefits in seven specific areas, documents cost savings, and provides testimonials from the personal interviews conducted. It also presents recommendations for future program areas, projects resource needs, and proposes specific 1998 source contributions.
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