Alternative Title:Final Technical Report Evaluation of Ground-Probing Radar for Rapid Delamination Detection [Title from Cover]
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:This report covers an assessment of ground-probing radar technology as a rapid, nondestructive technique for the evaluation of the structural integrity of portland cement concrete bridge decks. Delaminations normally occur at the plane of the top mat of reinforcing steel within reinforced decks. This delamination is not evidenced by surface manifestations of deterioration until it has progressed to the point that major repairs to, if not replacements of, the deck are necessary. Engineers would welcome a nondestructive technique for deck evaluation to detect the existence of delaminations at an early stage in their development when repair is less extensive and less disruptive to traffic flow. Ground-probing radar has shown promise for such an application in that with this technology, internal conditions of the deck can be recorded, and perhaps the data analyzed and interpreted to yield information concerning the decks internal integrity as a load-carrying structure. Additional controlled measurements will be required to develop and algorithm or pattern-recognition based analysis to allow dynamic data to be interpreted for the detection of small delaminations.
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