Data Bank 28IS - T-100 and T-100(f) International Segment Data, US and Foreign Air Carriers Traffic and Capacity Data - 6-Month Restricted (US Point and Foreign Point): [2013-07]
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Abstract:This CD presents nonstop operations (segments) as reported by U.S. and foreign carriers. For the U.S. carriers, at least one point must be outside the United States or one of its territories. All foreign carrier data must have at least one point in the United States or in one of its territories. These data fields contain information by aircraft type and service class for departures performed, available capacity and seats, passengers transported, freight and mail transported, scheduled departures, and aircraft hours ramp-to-ramp and airborne. This CD presents data between a U.S. point and a foreign point. Data is restricted and made available to the public after six months. Data are available since 1990.
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