Wildlife Vehicle Collisions Data Gathering and Best Management Practices
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Currently the scope or cost of wildlife vehicle collisions (WVCs) in New Hampshire is not understood. Citizens die every year in New Hampshire in collisions with wildlife. There is also a cost in terms of emergency response and property damage from the collisions. Records of collisions with wildlife are not held in one easy to access central location. A better understanding of where these collisions are happening and how often could allow future projects to incorporate more wildlife crossing structures during project development and design to reduce wildlife vehicle conflict. The research included a review and analysis of available sources of information about WVCs in NH from the Department of Safety data that is shared with the NHDOT Highway Design Bureau, the roadkill and accident data collected by the various NHDOT Districts, and the NH Department of Fish and Game roadkill data. The results supported the project deliverables that include a mapping interface that identifies hot spots of WVCs, a review of mitigation measures, and a summary of best management practices found to effectively reduce WVCs in the Northeast. Communication materials were developed to highlight the importance of WVC data collection, analysis, and mitigation.
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