Virtual Barriers for Mitigating and Preventing Run-Off-Road Crashes Phase II
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Edition:Final Report: 2018-2019
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Abstract:This research study describes progress made during a multi-year evaluation of concepts to prevent vehicles from departing the roadway. During Phase 2, researchers identified potential methods of interpreting road coordinates using vehicle dynamics concepts. Current intelligent technology was investigated to learn about the current status of technology and evaluate potential system gaps and flaws to develop a supplementary system. The second phase of this project proposes a novel method to offer an extra level of redundancy to current vehicle guidance systems. The method is separated into three main modules denoted as: Local Path Generation, Local Positioning, and Vehicle Guidance/Warning. The Local Path Generation module explored techniques to wirelessly convey road data to a vehicle while requiring the minimum amount of data and transmission time. The guidance information is collected to develop a local road database and referenced locally, geospatially, and relative to other adjacent road segments. As well, the vehicle instantaneous position is identified using the Local Positioning module, in which the coordinates of the vehicle can be quickly related in terms of position, speed, and orientation with respect to the roadway with minimal lag. The Vehicle Guidance System module is the reaction system which compares data from Local Path Generation and Local Positioning modules to determine if the risk of roadside departure exceeds an unacceptable level of risk, and responds by notifying the driver and/or performing safety maneuvers to control the vehicle path. Feasibility and application of these modules and concepts were explored and further research recommendations were provided for the third and final year of MATC funding.
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