Response of San Joaquin Kit Foxes to Road Construction Project Sites: Mitigation Strategies to Minimize Project Delays and Impacts
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Abstract:The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) occasionally conducts construction projects within the range of the San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica), which is a Federally Endangered and California Threatened species. Caltrans routinely implements mitigation measures to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to kit foxes. However, kit foxes have been known to access construction sites despite the associated habitat disturbance and ongoing construction activities. The appearance of kit foxes on the construction sites, and particularly the establishment of dens, can cause delays in the work sometimes lasting weeks or even months. The goal of this project was to (1) gather information from the literature and conduct interviews with knowledgeable individuals regarding kit fox visits to project sites and the efficacy of any mitigation strategies attempted, and (2) monitor kit foxes on and around construction project sites to better understand the response of foxes to the sites and their activities while on the sites. Literature related to this issue was reviewed including monitoring reports, incident reports, post-construction reports, biological opinions, letters of concurrence, mitigation plans, research reports, and published articles. Also, 16 individuals with experience with kit foxes on construction projects were interviewed. A summary report was produced and is included as an appendix to this report.
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