Gender Analysis Concepts and Practices for Complete Streets
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Edition:Final Report
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Abstract:Complete Streets policies emphasize design for older and younger travelers as well as people with disabilities. Issues of gender, families, and caregiving are implicit in the idea of a Complete Street. Current Complete Streets policies, however, lack explicit consideration of gender, leaving communities with little guidance for operationalizing gender equity through transportation system design. The studies that comprise this report take steps to apply gender analysis to the mechanics of Complete Streets policy, planning, and implementation. We center the effort on a case example of Milwaukee, WI, and we supplement this with data and experience from other regions such as Denver, CO, Tampa, FL, Pittsburgh, PA, and Madison, WI, to undertake the following objectives: 1) Identify the concepts, data, and methods needed to support a gender-aware Complete Streets movement; and 2) Demonstrate the use of these concepts and practices through pilot analyses and workshops with Milwaukee, WI and other communities. The deployment of emerging transportation technologies may provide a pivotal opportunity for communities to consider the interaction of gender and system design. Therefore, the analyses include consideration of ride hail, bike share, e-bikes, and other travel options.
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