Field Load Testing of Shallow Foundations in Florida Limestone: Phase Ⅱ
Alternative Title:Phase II: Field Load Testing of Shallow Foundations in Florida Limestone [Project Title from Cover]
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Edition:Final Report 11/2019 – 12/2022
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Abstract:Three full-scale shallow foundation load tests (900 tons) were performed at Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Bell, Florida, to validate the Florida Bearing Capacity equations (Phase I – FDOT BDV31-977-51) as well develop and verify load-settlement response for service limit state. Rock coring, Standard penetration test (SPT), and seismic shear tests were performed at each site; the split tension, unconfined compression, and triaxial compression tests were performed on the recovered cores to establish strength envelope and moduli of the rock. Exact footing location at each site was selected based on the limit of load test frames and the strength envelope, which was established as a function of dry unit weight and formation. The seismic shear tests representing a larger volume of rock beneath the footing were found to characterize the mass dry unit weight of each site (validated by the cores). The subsurface information (in-situ testing), construction of load test, and the load test setup and measured results as well as predicted behavior are presented in the report. The Florida Bearing Capacity equations were validated in all three load tests for different formations and boundaries (single rock layer and rock over sand). The load-settlement response of a single layer was shown to be predicted with Fenton and Griffiths method. For the rock-over-sand case, the Burmister method and/or Equivalent Modulus (Winkler model) method are recommended to characteristic the bilinear load-settlement response. A parametric study between the Burmister method, Winkler model, and finite element method was conducted for different footing widths, shapes, embedment depths, rock dry unit weights, and rock layer thicknesses as well as the sand modulus. Good agreement was achieved between both.
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