Safe Routes Utah Plans and Active Transportation Safety
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Edition:Final Report, Dec 2022 to Dec 2023
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Abstract:The goal of Utah’s Safe Routes to School program is to “help children get to and from school safely” (UDOT, 2022). To that end, state law dictates that each school must maintain a safe routes map showing students the safest route to access the school from their homes. This research examined existing safe routes maps and investigated whether schools that have a detailed safe routes map and plan experience increased safety over schools that have a less detailed or no existing safe routes map and associated plan. This research utilized several different datasets and analysis techniques to compile all Safe Routes to School plans and the non-motorized crash history for the sample area. Analysis methods also include multinomial logistic regression models to isolate significant factors that are not mutually exclusive but create an impact due to their presence together, such as position of school crossings and other roadway infrastructure. Final elements of this research included evaluation of outputs, then drafting conclusions and recommendations. Analysis identified that the transportation environments surrounding the sample schools differed across the sample both within 0.5 miles and one mile of the schools. There were very few designated school crossings and mid-block crossings present. The number of intersections varied across the sample, and more than half of the schools have a sidewalk, trail, or bike lane within one mile. Statistical analysis determined that urban areas experienced significantly more active transportation crashes within one mile of schools than rural areas. Additionally, schools surrounded by a larger number of intersections experienced significantly more nearby active transportation crashes. Regression analysis determined that Title I schools experienced significantly more student-involved active transportation crashes within one mile when controlling for other environmental factors.
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