FHWA International Scanning Report on Advanced Transportation Technology
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Abstract:To better prepare for the task of identifying advanced technologies that may be incorporated in future highway systems, a scanning team was assembled to survey European planning and applications of advanced technologies, seeking knowledge that might aid us in the United States. This advanced technology scanning team was drawn from our Federal and State highway agencies, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Carnegie Mellon Research Institute. Our group of experts in various advanced technologies met with experts in Denmark, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. To a significant degree, this tour of Europe offered a picture of applications, approaches, and opportunities for collaborative efforts that U.S. researchers should capitalize on. It is for us in the United States to take advantage of what we can learn from other nations and to identify what we can share with other nations, so that both can better anticipate tomorrow's needs and build the infrastructure and traffic control systems for the future.
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