Center for Climate Smart Transportation (CCST) Data Management Plan
Alternative Title:CCST Data Management Plan
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Abstract:The Center for Climate-Smart Transportation (CCST)’s proposed research, education, leadership and technology transfer programs and activities are inspired by the urgent call for an evidence-based research agenda that goes beyond scientific merits, focuses on solutions and is practice-ready and would result in changes in transportation policy and practice, making climate change the center of transportation decisions as emphasized in the USDOT Strategic Plan Goals and the USDOT Climate Action Plan: Revitalizing Efforts to Bolster Adaptation & Increase Resilience. CCST contributes to this vision in the following focus areas: 1. Promoting Climate Culture in All Levels of Transportation Decisions 2. Community-Centered Solutions to Environmental Justice 3. Accelerate the Mass Market Adoption of EVs & Alternative Fuels 4. Reduce VMT & GHG via Modal Shift and Changes in Travel Behavior 5. Smart Cities & Innovative Adaptation and Mitigation Technologies
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