Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests Transportation Systems Alternatives Study
By RSG, Inc.
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Abstract:This Executive Summary provides an overview of key findings from the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests Transportation (ARNF) System Alternatives Study. The ARNF Transportation System Alternatives Study was conducted under a Sarbanes Transit in Parks grant awarded to the ARNF in response to previous studies of growing unacceptable congestion and visitor use crowding at three recreation sites along Colorado’s Front Range. The purpose of the work presented in this report is to provide United States Forest Service (USFS) with information that supports integrated transportation planning and visitor use management at Brainard Lake Recreation Area (BLRA), Guanella Pass (GP), and Mount Evans Recreation Area (MERA). The information presented represents the culmination of the work completed for the ARNF Transportation System Alternatives Study, designed and conducted during a 5‐year period from 2011‐2016. The design of the ARNF Transportation System Alternatives Study is notably different from previous assessments of transportation planning needs at the three study sites. In this study, analysis of alternatives and recommendations for transportation improvements were developed according to the maximum levels of visitor use that can be accommodated at the sites without incurring unacceptable impacts to Forest resources, Wilderness values, and recreation experiences rather than in isolation from these relevant considerations. Moreover, Forest goals and objectives for resource condition played a central role in understanding appropriate visitor use capacities at each study site.
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